The Indian telecom giant, Jio is planning for ‘Jio Exclusive’ smartphones in India. According to the source, the company is planning to partner with the Chinese smartphone brand Vivo to launch Jio’s upcoming exclusive smartphones.
Reliance Jio is partnering with many smartphone makers, includes- Lava, Karbonn, Vivo, and more, which will offer various benefits to customers. The Company also offers various attractive offers with an exclusive smartphone to the customers to attract people. According to the ETTelecom report, the benefits and offers that will be given by the company, include- OTT subscription, shopping benefits, discounts, and one-time screen replacement.
Jio always releases pocket-friendly phones, which attracts the customers more. Previously Jio partnered with a Chinese firm iTel to sell low-budget smartphones. Apart from this, Reliance Jio also makes a partnership with Lava, Karbonn to sell their entry-level smartphones in the Indian market.
According to the source, the company has already partnered with the Chinese Tech Giant Vivo to launch ‘Jio Exclusive’ smartphones in the Indian market soon. Vivo has launched Vivo Y1s last week. This newly launched Vivo smartphone arrives with a Jio lock that provided benefits of 4,550 INR (Roughly $62) by reaching 249 INR(Roughly 3$) or above on a Jio SIM.
It is highly expected that Jio may launch the Vivo Y1s for Jio Exclusive Android smartphone in India and is also expected that the upcoming ‘Jio Exclusive’ smartphones will be priced under 8,000 INR (Roughly 108$).
We haven’t got any other information regarding this topic till now. It is expected that the company will reveal the partnership and upcoming offers soon, and we will give you all the updates regarding this topic.