Recently, Xiaomi’s VP and the man behind making Xiaomi a huge success in India, Manu Kumar Jain has recently moved on from his company and took a moment to share his thoughts on the same via Twitter. To that, recently, Madhav Sheth, the CEO of realme India and now also the VP has replied with a nice gesture.
The sworn rivals of each other Xiaomi and realme both Chinese giant OEMs have had a nice journey so far in a competitive sense. Both of the Indian CEOs who turned global VP had an intense battle in the smartphone and later Smart TV or even IoT market.
realme’s Madhav Sheth once got rejected by Manu Kumar Jain’s Xiaomi to be a distribution partner
When Manu who has recently decided to move on from Xiaomi posted on Twitter, Madhav Seth replied to it by saying one day he was rejected to be one of Xiaomi’s distribution partners. He also acknowledged their competitive rivalry and also wished them the best of luck for the journey ahead to Manu.
Well, the social geek Manu also didn’t miss the opportunity to revert back to Madhav as he said, “Whoops! Looks like we missed out on a great opportunity!” and also tanked Madhav for his kind words. Now, everyone is looking forward to Jabong Co-Founder and what he has in his pipeline in the next few years, which company or venture he would be associated with henceforth.
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