Realme Watch 2 Pro is finally launching in India on 23rd July exclusively via Amazon. This watch was launched globally almost a month ago along with the vanilla version Realme Watch 2. The seems to be more focused on introducing the Pro evrsion in the country.
The Realme Watch 2 Pro will feature a 1.75″ color display, promising to deliver a vivid and elegant display even on the sunniest of days, with a peak brightness of 600 nits. The Realme Watch 2 Pro will also offer support for blood-oxygen and heart rate monitoring support along with the 90 sports modes that were offered by the Realme watch 2.
The Realme Watch 2 Pro will feature dual-satellite GPS connectivity. The longer 14-day battery life on a single charge and smart notifications support features that you do not get to see on the watch 2. It will also come with a magnetic charging base. The price of Realme Watch 2 Pro is expected to be under Rs.7,000 in India.