Realme India had already teased the launch of the Realme Pad during the launch of the Realme GT series in India. The company has not announced the tablet anywhere in the world. The launch date is now teased to be on September 9.
Ahead of the launch few key specifications of the Realme Pad have surfaced online. Some of these specifications were already known to us and some will be revealed later. Here are few key specifications of the tablet.
- 10.4″ OLED display
- 60hz refresh rate
- Mediatek helio G80
- 7100mAH
- 8MP rear
- 8MP front
- 4 Speakers
- 6.8mm thickness
The Realme Pad has also been spotted on the Geekbench database. It is listed with the model number RMP2102. The tablet has been spotted with the below-mentioned key specifications on the database.
- MediaTek Helio G80
- Android 11
Another real-life image of the Realme Pad reveals the design of the box. On the front side of the box, we can see the branding of Dolby Atmos. This clearly indicates that Realme Pad is coming with Dolby Atmos.
The Realme Tab is rumored to be priced at around Rs.17,000 in India. This can be quite a good start for the brand to make a good impression on the Indian market with its first-ever tablet.