A few months ago Realme announced a new series in India dubbed Narzo which was meant for a young audience who prefers style and performance over other factors while also can’t pay a hefty amount for a smartphone. The first two phones under the Narzo series were Narzo 10 and Narzo 10A and now the company is looking to launch the successor to the Narzo 10 duo, the Narzo 20 lineup which includes Narzo 20, Narzo 20A, and Narzo 20 Pro. The Narzo 20 trio was announced last week during IFA in Berlin and is expected to launch in India within the next few weeks and since its nearing the launch we have started getting a bunch of leaks revealing key information about these smartphones.
A tipster who goes by the name of Himanshu has shared some key details about the Narzo 20, Narzo 20A, and Narzo 20 Pro on the microblogging platform Twitter. He claims that the Narzo 20A which is expected to be the cheapest of the trio will be available two colors namely Victory Blue & Glory Silver in two storage variants of 3+32GB & 4+64GB. While Narzo 20A will also come in the same colors as Narzo 20A, the Victory Blue & Glory Silver but it will be having higher RAM and storage than the cheaper Narzo 20A and is likely to have 4+64GB & 4+128GB storage variants.
Realme is also allegedly working on a Pro variant which was not there earlier and the Pro variant of Narzo 20 is expected to come in Black Ninja & White Knight which is different than the cheaper two of the lot and it is expected to have two storage variants of 6+64GB & 8+128GB that means 2GB extra RAM over the vanilla Narzo 20.
According to the tipster, these details are only valid for the Indian market but since we have seen that Realme launches the same models worldwide we expect that these details may even stand correct for the global variants.
Himanshu also claims that he doesn’t expect AMOLED display in any of these models but we can’t verify any of his claims so we might have to wait till the official launch or maybe for few other weeks till some more information pops out about the Narzo 20 series.