A couple of days ago, Realme launched its Realme 8 series for the Indian market in which we’ve got two smartphones and there is no 5G this time: Realme 8 and Realme 8 Pro. Both of them support 4G connectivity. But a recent report has come out saying that Realme will very soon launch a 5G variant of the Realme 8, which will be named Realme 8 5G, and the pricing is expected to be something in between Realme 8 and Realme 8 Pro. SO, we can expect a price tag for the Realme 8 5G is something Rs 14,999 (as base variants of Realme 8 and 8 Pro carry a price tag of Rs 14,999 ($~207) and Rs 17,999 (~$248) respectively).
Most importantly, Madhav Sheth, Vice President and CEO of Realme India and Europe has confirmed recently about the upcoming Realme 8 5G smartphone. He further added that along with the 5G variant there is another smartphone that is about to launch, named Reamle 8i. As of now, it seems like Realme 8i will be a toned-down version of the Realme 8 4G and it will be a 4G smartphone as well.
During a recent interview, Madhav Sheth said, “We will have a Realme 8 5G version soon (but not so early). We have to understand that adding 5G with these features will incur additional costs.”.
As of now, we don’t have any idea what kind of specifications the upcoming Realme 8i and Realme 8 5G will possess, but we can hope for some good up-gradation this time. Apart from it, Madhav Sheth also hinted that Realme is currently thinking of launching its flagship smartphone Realme GT in India. So, as of now, there is no confirmation, but it can happen.
Also Read: Realme GT Neo official image reveals a 3.5mm audio jack, 64MP Triple-camera, and more