Realme has already launched the Realme 6 and 6 Pro in India and are powered by the Helio G90T & Snapdragon 720G respectively. All of them are bit overpriced than usual and we expect a smartphone under Rs.10k price and for this, the most suited smartphone can be the Realme 6i.
It is speculated that Realme will be launching the Realme 6i which will be the new budget device powered by the latest MediaTek Helio G80 SoC. An official Realme poster has been leaked by Mukul Sharma (or @stufflistings on Twitter), it clearly says the existence of Realme 6i with MediaTek Helio G80.
The G80 octa-core SoC is a slightly more powerful version of the MediaTek Helio G70 SoC featuring two Cortex-A75 cores clocked at 2GHz and six Cortex-A55 cores clocked at 1.8GHz which handles daily tasks, while in the Helio G70 we see the six Cortex-A55 cores clocked at 1.7GHz.
Being a 4G-SoC it is equipped with Mali-G52 2EEMC2 GPU for graphics, the same present in G70 as well. Then there’s MediTek’s proprietory HyperEngine Game Technology that helps the processor to handle CPU and GPU resource allocation more intelligently and dynamically.
The Helio G80 supports up to single 48MP camera or up to two 16MP cameras and video capture up to 1080p/60fps. The NeuroPilot engine is there to handle AI tasks like object and scene recognition, bokeh enhancement.
It makes sense to launch the 6i with G80 because the Realme 6 has the upgraded G90T and both of them are very capable SoCs. The recently launched Realme C3 is equipped with Helio G70 and it will be perfect to have a smartphone powered by G80 in the Rs.10k price bracket.
Interestingly, the alleged Realme poster shows a partial world-map with what looks very like the outline of Myanmar being highlighted. This may indicate that the 6i is destined for its launch in this unusual market where the company is expanding.
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