Realme has announced that the upcoming Realme 12 Pro will feature a Sony camera sensor, joining its Pro+ counterpart. The non-Plus variant will house an IMX882 sensor, with the Pro+ confirmed to have an IMX890. The phone, listed on the company website, is equipped with a Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 chipset. While the camera sensor is not officially confirmed, the Realme 12 Pro is expected to be the first phone to feature it. Insiders suggest it may be a rebranded version of the LYT-600, seen in Oppo Reno11 5G and vivo S18e.
The Upcoming Realme 12 Pro Series
The primary camera is anticipated to be 50 MP, promising to revolutionize photography. The Realme 12 Pro, seen in Cream Gold, will feature three cameras arranged in a square formation with an empty circle, excluding a periscope lens. With 20X zoom (different from the Pro+’s 120X), the Realme 12 Pro is expected to include a 2x telephoto lens with 10x digital zoom. The official details will be disclosed on January 29 at noon IST during the phone’s announcement.
While complete pricing details are yet to be revealed, the alleged retail box for the Realme 12 Pro+ indicates an MRP of ₹34,999 for the 8GB/128GB variant, with the actual cost expected to be around ₹30,000. The standard Realme 12 Pro is estimated to be priced between ₹25,000 to ₹30,000.
The design of the Realme 12 Pro series includes a curved display, narrow bezels, and a punch-hole cutout for the selfie camera. The back features a large circular camera module with triple sensors and an LED flash, offering a leather finish and available in Blue and Cream color options.
Certifications on various platforms reveal details such as 67W fast charging support for the Realme 12 Pro and 4880mAh battery with 67W fast charging for the Realme 12 Pro+. Both models will run on Android 14-based Realme UI 5.0.
Geekbench listings show the Realme 12 Pro with Android 14 OS and 8GB RAM, while the Realme 12 Pro+ is expected to feature Android 14 OS, 12GB RAM, and a Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 chipset, scoring 1,025 points in single-core and 2,915 points in multi-core tests, along with a 642924 AnTuTu score.
Expected specifications for the Realme 12 Pro series include a 6.7-inch FHD+ curved AMOLED display, Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 for Pro+ and Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 for the standard Pro, up to 16GB RAM, and up to 1TB storage. The battery is anticipated to be 5,000mAh with 67W fast charging support.