As the year 2021 comes to an end the director Mahesh Bhatt has dropped the first teaser of the new web series for VootSelect named Ranjish Hi Sahi. It seems that this series is a Mahesh Bhatt stamp all over it. The story of the series basically revolves around the love story that is dealing with infidelity and films, themes, that the director has been dealt with the previous projects also.
In this series, we will see Tahir Raj Bhasin who will play the role of a filmmaker who has married Amrita Puri’s character, but also getting involved with the character of Paul. It depicts the plot against the backdrop of the golden era of 70’s Bollywood with such fantastic music, the series will reveal the lives of struggling film director Shankar, diva Aamna, and Shankar’s wife Anju.
After some, it becomes a complicated love triangle where the fledging maverick film director will find a soulmate in the yesteryear A list Bollywood actress and left his wife stunned and he tore in between the two worlds. Now we have to wait to see whether Shankar will be able to entangle the thread of emotions and turmoil or not.
Ranjish Hi Sahi: Cast
This series will feature Amala Paul, Tahir Raj Bhasin, and Amrita Puri. It is created by Mahesh Bhatt and the writing and also the directing credit goes to Pushpdeep Bhardwaj.
Ranjish Hi Sahi: Release Date
The release date of the series has not yet been confirmed. It will only release on VootSelect.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
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