Yesterday, Qualcomm released performance benchmarks for its two reference laptops powered by the new Snapdragon X Elite CPUs, featuring the Oryon core architecture. These laptops were available in 28W and 80W configurations, with a new entry, the X1E80100 CPU, in the 28W configuration showcasing impressive efficiency metrics.
Specifically, this 28W configuration boasted a 3.40 GHz all-core frequency, while the 80W variant offered a 3.80 GHz all-core frequency. The test setup included 64 GB of LPDDR5x-8533 memory.
The All New 12-core Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite
In terms of performance benchmarks, the Snapdragon X Elite X1E80100 scored 2741 points in single-core and 13021 points in multi-core tests in Geekbench 6. To provide context, we compared these results with the Intel Core i7-12700K 12-core desktop and AMD Ryzen 9 7845HX 12-core laptop CPUs, both configured with significantly higher TDPs.
Despite the Intel and AMD chips running at much higher clock speeds of 5.2 GHz and 5.0 GHz respectively, the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite 12-Core CPU outperformed both in single-core performance. Notably, the Snapdragon chip maintained a maximum clock speed of 4 GHz across 1 or 2 cores. All benchmarks were conducted on the same Windows platform; Linux tests were not utilized in this comparison.
Regarding multi-core performance, the Intel Core i7-12700K Desktop CPU performed 4% faster, while the AMD Ryzen 9 7845HX CPU was 5% faster. This remarkable multi-thread performance from the Oryon CPU architecture, particularly at just 28W, demonstrates its potential, and the 80W chip has the capability to outperform its competitors. The provided charts illustrate the Snapdragon Qualcomm X Elite 28W CPU compared to other chips.
If these performance metrics translate into real-world applications, Qualcomm is poised to be a strong contender in the PC market, rivaling established players such as Intel, AMD, and Apple. The Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite CPUs are expected to launch around mid-2024, with more details anticipated in the coming months.