Qualcomm has been very consistent with its Snapdragon 700 series and as per some recent reports, Qualcomm is about to launch its latest 700 series chipset, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 780G processor which will be based on 5nm architecture results in more power efficiency. Furthermore, it will arrive with some of the big improvements, such as CPU, GPU, AI Engine, ISP, and more.
In terms of power efficiency, the new SD 780G will perform similar to the SD 888 chipset (both based on 5nm). In terms of cores, it is an octa-core processor having two Cortex-A78 cores clocked at 2.4GHz and six Cortex-A55 cores clocked at 1.8GHz. In terms of GPU, it is equipped with the Adreno 642. With Adreno 642, you can enjoy True 10-bit HDR gaming, ultra-smooth gaming, and updateable GPU drivers.
There will be a big upgrade in the camera module as well, as SD 780G has a new triple ISP, named Spectra 570. It can shoot simultaneously from three cameras which means you can shoot from the zoom, wide, and ultrawide lenses at a single moment. Moreover, you can record 4K HDR and HDR10+ videos, courtesy of the advancement of the newest chipset.
Qualcomm’s press release says, “it has a new low-light architecture powering professional quality photos in any lighting condition”.
The AI performance of the SD 780G will be boosted up to 12 TOPs, credit goes to its 6th gen AI Engine, the Hexagon 770. In terms of connectivity, there will be some big upgrades as well, such as Wi-Fi 6 (speeds up to 3.6Gbps), Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.2, 5G connectivity, and so on. As of now, it is not confirmed by which smartphone this new chipset from Qualcomm will make its debut, but the rumors are saying that it is going to be the Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite 5G.