Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon X Elite platform and its Oryon CPUs designed for Windows PCs are reportedly impressively fast, and they have garnered support from several PC partners. During the Snapdragon Technology Summit, Qualcomm revealed a list of PC manufacturers who have positioned themselves as partners, marking a significant moment in the history of Windows on Arm.
All About the Upcoming Snapdragon X Elite Partnership with PC Manufacturers
A total of nine PC manufacturers have designated themselves as “partners” with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite platform. Although this doesn’t amount to a formal commitment to produce Snapdragon X Elite PCs, it does strongly suggest their intention to do so.
The PC partners in question include Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, the Microsoft Surface brand, Samsung, and Xiaomi. Honor, primarily a phone manufacturer, also joined the Qualcomm Technology Summit and announced its entry into the PC market. However, it’s less likely that Honor will release PCs in the U.S. market, given its status as a Chinese phone maker.
This development is notable because, until now, only three PC makers, namely Lenovo, Microsoft, and HP, had committed to supporting Snapdragon for Windows on Arm PCs through multiple generations. The addition of several new partners signifies a significant shift in the market. Samsung, for example, expects to release laptops with Snapdragon chips in mid-2025. Qualcomm has stated that its Snapdragon X Elite platform, a single-chip solution, can outperform Intel’s 13th-generation Core chips as well as AMD’s integrated GPUs.
Moreover, Qualcomm is targeting the gaming market with its Snapdragon chips, and it showcased a range of games that are reportedly compatible with Snapdragon, including titles like Baldur’s Gate III, Control, Warframe, Guild Wars, and Minecraft: Legends. While some of these games may be older, the message is clear: if Qualcomm’s Snapdragon can deliver competitive performance against Intel, why not use it for both work and play?