Qualcomm’s next flagship processor in the 800 series has taken the central stage. The highly awaited Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 is launched as we step into the final month of 2020. Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 was supposed to be called Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 earlier, but due to some reasons, the name of the SoC was changed. Many believe that this is because 888 digits are considered to be lucky in some cultures. We guess, after what happened in 2020, everyone needs a bit of luck on their side.
Earlier yesterday, Realme India boss Madhav Sheth has teased the association of Realme’s new product with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 888. He wrote “Qualcomm 8_ _”. As the launch of 888 SoC became official, Realme also made a major announcement. A tweet by the official Realme UK account said “Realme Race will be one of the first flagships powered by the just-announced Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 5G Mobile Platform.” You can find the tweet below.
According to the reports, Realme’s new smartphone is codenamed “Race” and it will be having this new processor. The same report states that the handset will run Android 11 with Realme UI 2.0 and will have a model number RMX2202. The design of “Race” is considered very similar to OPPO’s Ace2 that was launched in April. Even though India has the second-biggest smartphone market, the market analyst believes that this Realme’s model can be first launched in Europe. The idea behind this is that the announcement was made by Realme UK’s account. We have to wait and watch for an official announcement.
Realme has not come out yet to describe its upcoming models with Snapdragon 888. But, according to the sources, the handset will have quad rear cameras. Also, it is expected to have 12GB of RAM with 256GB of storage. There’s a huge buzz around Qualcomm Snapdragon 888’s launch. It is believed that this SoC is going to be among the fastest ones available in the market. It will help the mobile cameras to transform into professional cameras. Also, 888 will come with a newly integrated 5G modem. This will support both sub-6GHz and mmWave networks.