Qualcomm is reportedly charging its customers extra for the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor. These price increases will not stop with the launching of this chipset, as a business executive has warned that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 would be even more pricey. It appears that the San Diego company needs to find a means to compensate for the bespoke Oyron cores, which are said to be the magic behind next year’s chipset.
Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 is Qualcomm’s first product in smartphone category to have Oryon cores
The Snapdragon X Elite, which will be featured in portable computers rather than smartphones, has previously previewed these cores. Regardless, producing bespoke CPU cores is supported by research and development that costs businesses like Qualcomm millions of dollars, thus a return on investment is also an objective.
Now, in response to a pricing inquiry from Android Authority, Qualcomm’s Senior Vice President Chris Patrick stated that bespoke CPU cores do not have to be expensive, but that Qualcomm must strike a balance between cost, power consumption, and performance. Unfortunately, achieving this balance would need an increase in the price of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4.
The benefit of these price increases is that Qualcomm will be able to ‘pursue absolutely extraordinary levels of performance,’ making next year’s chipset release the fastest in the world. Even now, in Geekbench 6 multi-core results, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 surpassed Apple’s A17 Pro to become the fastest mobile SoC in this category, thus Qualcomm will have little choice but to charge more if it wants the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 to be cut from a different cloth.
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