Pocket FM‘s latest sensation, Super Yoddha, is captivating listeners across India with its heart-pounding action and mind-blowing sound effects. This thrilling audio series follows the story of an 11-year-old boy named Dhruv, who battles against all odds to regain his former rank in Shaurya Dal’s organization.
‘Super Yoddha’ Takes Internet by Storm – Pocket FM’s Latest Audio Series Sensation Goes Viral
Written by the acclaimed author S. Sridhar, this series is a masterpiece of storytelling that combines the best of the superhero and fantasy genres to create an experience like no other. “As the writer of ‘Super Yoddha,’ I’m overjoyed to see the series’ massive success on Pocket FM. It’s truly humbling to know that my words have the power to transport listeners to a world of fantasy and wonder.
Crafting the intricate plotlines, memorable characters, and vivid imagery that make up ‘Super Yoddha’ a labour of love, and I’m grateful to have been given the opportunity to create something that has touched so many hearts.” said Sridhar
Author S. Sridhar, Super Yoddha combines the best of the superhero and fantasy genres to create an unforgettable experience for its listeners. With over 35 million plays and a growing fan base, this audio series is truly a masterpiece of storytelling.
Sridhar’s exceptional writing skills have earned him well-deserved recognition in the film industry, with successful projects like ‘The Will’ and his contribution to award-winning short films.
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