Recently, a video of three former teachers from the edtech startup PhysicsWallah crying over “false allegations” of bribery and internal politics went viral on social media. They said in the video that claims that they were given Rs 5 crore as a bribe were completely unfounded and that they had left PhysicsWallah because the environment there was no longer favourable for teaching or learning.
The three contend that their chemistry instructor for PhysicsWallah, Pankaj Sijairya, falsely accused them of accepting bribes from rival platform Adda247 in order to leave PhysicsWallah.
According to reports, Tarun Kumar, Manish Dubey, and Sarvesh Dixit left PhysicsWallah due to disagreements with the founder, Alakh Pandey.
The three professors left the startup and started their own YouTube channel called “Sankalp” afterward. The three teachers on PhysicsWallah’s channel disputed that the organization’s primary focus on offering high-quality, reasonably priced education eventually changed as it grew.
The teachers went on to give additional justifications for leaving the ed-tech startup. In the YouTube video, they claimed that while they had been following the edtech startup’s mission, circumstances had changed and they felt their allegiance to the organisation had been lost.
Even though they had finished the course before leaving the platform, they further asserted that PhysicsWallah had been attempting to harm their YouTube channel.
The video received a lot of views because some users claimed that it was a “staged” act that they were performing to gain popularity. The former teachers’ decisions to speak in public were also criticised by online users as being improper.
Alakh Pandey and Prateek Maheshwari founded PhysicsWallah in 2016. It is the only edtech start-up that is profitable in the nation. In FY22, the business earned a profit of Rs 98.2 crore. The start-up helps students get ready for difficult engineering and medical entrance exams. According to reports, the two co-founders developed the app and website in 2020.
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