John Abraham‘s first look has been revealed by Shahrukh Khan. On Thursday, i.e. today Shah Rukh Khan, the Bollywood Baadshah revealed the first look poster that features John Abraham. The Bollywood Baadshah has taken to Instagram and shared the first look where a brief clip started with the countdown of five seconds on a time bomb.
Shah Rukh Khan has make comeback after four years with the movie named Pathaan. It is an action thriller starring John Abraham and Deepika Padukone. It is going to be directed by Sidharth Anand and is going to be released on 25th January 2023. The movie is going to release in different languages such as Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.
Pathaan: John Abraham’s first look has been revealed
John Abraham’s first look in the movie Pathaan shows us that John was seen surrounded by burning logs. In the motion poster, John was spotted with a white T-shirt, black pants and a harness around his stomach was seen as he stood inside a rundown room.
Shah Rukh Khan by sharing the post has said, “He’s tough and plays it rough! Presenting @thejohnabraham in Pathaan. Celebrate Pathaan with #YRF50 only at a big screen near you on 25th January 2023. Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. @deepikapadukone | #SiddharthAnand | @yrf | #5monthstopathaan.”
On Instagram John has also shared the motion poster. The caption reads, “I’ll let my action do all the talking.” Shah Rukh also shared posters, in several languages, featuring John. He wrote, “Locked and loaded. Meet @thejohnabraham in Pathaan.”
Shah Rukh also shared posters, in several languages, featuring John. In the last month, Shah Rukh revealed Deepika’s motion poster on Instagram he shared a post in which Deepika fired from a gun with a serious expression on her face. The caption reads, “She doesn’t need a bullet to kill you!”
Shah Rukh Khan apart from Pathaan is going to be seen in Rajkumar Hirani’s upcoming movie named Dhunki where he will be starred opposite Taapsee Pannu. He also has director Atlee’s action thriller Jawan opposite Nayanthara. The film is set to hit theatres on 2nd June 2023.