On Saturday, Parineeti Chopra, a well-known Bollywood actress, got engaged to politician Raghav Chadha in an event attended by several high-profile guests, including Parineeti Chopra’s sister and renowned global personality Priyanka Chopra, fashion designer Manish Malhotra, and the Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal. Priyanka, who arrived in New Delhi on the same day, shared exclusive photographs from the engagement ceremony on her Instagram profile.
Parineeti Chopra got engaged to Raghav Chadha: Get all insight photos
Parineeti Chopra, a well-known Bollywood actress, and politician Raghav Chadha got engaged on Saturday. The event was a glittery affair with several notable personalities in attendance, such as Parineeti’s sister and renowned global icon Priyanka Chopra, fashion designer Manish Malhotra, and the Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal. On Saturday, Priyanka arrived in New Delhi and shared unpublished photographs of the engagement ceremony on her Instagram account.
In the caption, Priyanka expressed her joy and congratulations to Tisha (Parineeti Chopra) and Raghav on their engagement, eagerly anticipating the wedding ceremony. She also mentioned how delightful it was to catch up with her family members. Priyanka shared a lovely photograph of the couple, followed by additional images of her family members, such as Siddharth Chopra and Kamini Chopra, among others. The actress also posted a stylish picture with her brother Siddharth, in which they were both wearing sunglasses.
On her Instagram stories, Priyanka gave a sneak peek into the celebrations and she also shared an adorable snap of Parineeti’s parents. She wrote, “Proud parents of the bride.” Giving a detailed look at her ruffled saree, Priyanka shared a mirror selfie and wrote, “When the night’s done and you have to rush to the airport. A pause for the fit.”
The engagement ceremony of Parineeti and Raghav was held at Kapurthala House in Delhi. The couple posed for the press after the event and subsequently shared their first photos from the ceremony on their respective Instagram accounts. Parineeti captioned her picture with the words, “Everything I prayed for…I said yes…Waaheguru ji meher karan.”
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