India’s largest home-grown video streaming platform, known for its multilingual storytelling, has dropped the trailer for its upcoming series Paithani. The show, directed by Gajendra Ahire and produced by Zee Studios and Aarambh Entertainment, features the highly praised Mrinal Kulkarni as Godavari, with Eisha Singh playing her strong-willed daughter, Kaveri. The series will start streaming on November 15 and deals with aspects of tradition, resilience, and the mother-daughter relationship.
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Paithani Trailer Drops: A Heartfelt Tale of Mother-Daughter Bond, Tradition, and Resilience
The series depicts the story of Godavari, who weaves exquisite Paithani sarees but is met with rejection as she nears the end of her career because of tremors in her hands. Her daughter Kaveri sets out to honor her deceased mother’s legacy by getting her to weave one last saree. Godavari is weaving her last tapestry with all her love while Kaveri struggles to save that legacy, a gift to Godavari. They face the struggles of life together, each supporting the other and driving the other with determination.
In its exceptional storytelling, the series conveys true strength through the support of love, sacrifice, and family to overcome adversities. This series will touch the heart of the audience with how the spirit of a mother loves them and how it fights for life. Abhishek Rege of Aarambh Entertainment, we are thrilled to associate with ZEE5 and believe that the strong universal themes and a powerful star cast will surely attract audiences.
Director Gajendra Ahire described the series as an ode to Maharashtra’s culture with the Paithani saree representing a bond between the mother and daughter that never breaks. Mrinal Kulkarni, who plays Godavari, shared her excitement about portraying a mother who empowers her daughter while facing personal challenges. She believes the series will inspire viewers, emphasizing the importance of family, love, and legacy. The show promises to be a heartwarming exploration of resilience and familial strength.
When will ‘Paithani’ premiere?
The series will premiere on November 15, 2024.
Who stars in ‘Paithani’?
Mrinal Kulkarni plays Godavari, and Eisha Singh stars as Kaveri.