Earlier this year, Oppo launched its Oppo A78 5G smartphone in India. Now, the brand is gearing up to introduce the 4G variant of the same model, known as the Oppo A78 4G, rumored to be unveiled on July 7. Ahead of its anticipated launch, the Oppo A78 was spotted on the Geekbench benchmark database, revealing some key specifications.
Everything about the Oppo A78 4G Known So Far
The Geekbench listing for the Oppo A78, identified with the model number CPH2565, showcased impressive performance scores. The device achieved 411 points in the single-core round and 1263 points in the multi-core round of the Geekbench 6 benchmark test.
Under the hood, the Oppo A78 4G is expected to be powered by an octa-core Qualcomm processor with the codename ‘Bengal,’ offering a peak frequency of 2.40GHz. This indicates that the smartphone will be equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 680 processor.
Additionally, the Geekbench listing reveals that the Oppo A78 4G will come with 8GB of memory. The device is expected to run on Android 13 out of the box, likely customized with Oppo’s ColorOS skin.
Last week, some marketing posters of the upcoming Oppo A78 were shared, shedding light on some design and color options. The A-series smartphone is said to feature Oppo’s Glow Diamond Matrix design and will be available in Misty Black and Aqua Green color variants.
The Oppo A78 is expected to feature a 6.43-inch AMOLED display, offering a Full HD+ resolution of 1080 x 2400 pixels and a refresh rate of 90Hz. The device will also come with a punch-hole notch.
In terms of battery capacity, the Oppo A78 will house a robust 5000mAh battery unit, supported by 67W SuperVOOC fast charging, ensuring quick and efficient recharging capabilities.
With these promising specifications and features, the Oppo A78 4G is shaping up to be an exciting addition to the Oppo A-series lineup. Smartphone enthusiasts can look forward to its official unveiling on July 7, where more details will be revealed, including its pricing and availability in the market.