OnePlus launched its new affordable TV series in India. The sizes available are – 32-inch, 43-inch, and 55-inch. The base price of the TV series starts from Rs.12,999 and this is for the 32-inch television. This is the first affordable smart TV series from the company. The previous series of OnePlus smart TV were a bit expensive.
There are various versions available for the 55-inch smart TVs with different model numbers and specifications. Obviously all the pricing will differ according to the variations. The various series are – 32Y1, 43Y1, 55U1, 55Q1, and 55Q1 Pro.
The company has not revealed any details about the Q1 variants but this series will only be available in 55-inch screen size.
Specification of OnePlus TV series
- Y series
- OnePlus Cinematic Display
- 32″ and 43″
- 93% DCI-P3
- Two 10W Speaker
- Dolby Audio
- Bezel Less design
- Android TV with OnePlus Software
- U series
- OnePlus Cinematic Display
- 55″ 4K display
- 93% DCI-P3
- Four 30W speakers
- Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos
- Burdenless Design
- Android TV with OnePlus Software
Price of OnePlus TV series
- OnePlus TV 32Y1 – Rs.12,999
- OnePlus TV 43Y1 – Rs.22,999
- OnePlus TV 55U1 – Rs.49,999
The sale will start from July 5 and the pre-order section has already been opened. The OnePlus TV series will be available via Amazon and later on other Offline stores in India.