OnePlus 11 launches have been officially teased. The company took to Weibo to reveal the design teaser of the forthcoming flagship smartphone. The OnePlus 11 5G is anticipated to launch beforehand coming time. The company’s videotape teaser showcases the new camera module design of the 11 5G. The teaser confirms that the blurted design render was indeed licit.
First official teaser for the OnePlus 11
The videotape participated by the company does not entirely reveal the 11, but you can see the indirect islet on the smartphone’s reverse has four circles- bone for the flash and three for the cameras. The islet sports Hasselblad branding, and there is an alert slider on the smartphone’s right-side frame, which corroborates former design leaks.
The company focuses on making” quality” products, indeed at the expense of its profit periphery. Thus, there was only just enough time left in this live-streamed conference to confirm that the long-rumoured 11 is on the way.
While the company has shown the black-multicoloured model in the clip, bruited to be called Matte Black, a blurted image revealed there will also be a green-multicoloured variant, which is said to be announced as lustrous herbage. The company hasn’t disclosed anything differently about the OnePlus 11, but you can anticipate hearing further about it from OnePlus in the coming many days.