WhatsApp has launched an update that allows users to increase the speed of voice messages. So many of us rely heavily on voice texts as a mode to communicate and as the world gets faster and faster, time means everything. WhatsApp knew this as well and came up with a solution to save its users some time!
“These days we need all the time-saving tips and tricks we can find. This is why voice messages on WhatsApp are a particularly useful tool for people short on time, who are multitasking, or who have friends and family in different time zones.” as stated by WhatsApp.
Many a time, we receive really long voice messages. This fast playback feature makes it possible to fasten the audio speed and save us time. WhatsApp’s fast playback feature helps us modulate playback speed between the default 1x to 1.5x, or 2x without changing the pitch of the recorded voice.
As soon as you touch the play option, the playback speed appears. This will be set at a default 1x and we can click on it to shift between 1.5x and 2x. Helpful right!