GoNoise has launched its latest Noise Shots X5 Pro truly wireless earbuds in India at Rs.4,999. It features Qualcomm’s chipset, though they haven’t revealed the name, it says the chipset gives better Bluetooth range, more stable connections, better quality audio and better battery life.
The earbuds offer touch controls for quick actions, featuring the latest Bluetooth 5.0 with a range of 10 meters. The Noise Shots X5 Pro features 6mm graphene speaker drivers which the company claims to deliver crisp treble and punchy bass.
It also supports aptX and AAC codecs, also being IPX7 rated, you can wear the earphone during or even during your workouts. With the touch controls, you can control playback, adjust volume and manage calls, all without ever pressing a button.
- TECHNOLOGY: AptX + AAC Hi-Fi audio technology
- CHIPSET: Powered by Qualcomm
- BLUETOOTH: Version: 5.0, Range: 10 meters
- BATTERY: 8 hours on a single charge; 150 hours with the charging case
- CHARGING TIME: 1.5 hours
- CONTROLS: Receive, Rejects & End Calls, Activate Voice Assistant (Google/Siri), Change Tracks and Volume Controls
The best part is it’s battery life, the earbuds along with case delivers a whopping 150 hours of battery life. The Noise Shots X5 Pro earbuds alone would last for as long as 8 hours.
You can completely charge it within 1.5 hours through a USB-C port and this 2200mAh charging case is capable of charging the earbuds for 18 more charge cycles. The earbuds work both with Google Assistant and Siri, easily activate the voice assistant by using touch controls.
The Noise Shots X5 Pro is currently available for orders from the company’s official website in Charcoal Grey colour variant. Use this “STAYHOME” code to get a flat Rs.350 discount but all the orders will be dispatched only after the lockdown gets over. Buy from here.
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