Sennheiser has launched a new premium Gaming Headset in India in the form of EPOS branding called Sennheiser GSP 601 Gaming Headset. It looks and feels premium, comes with a Noise-Cancelling Mic that can Flip-to-Mute.
Sennheiser has used Foam Ear Pads for best comfort that lets you game for long hours and being a gaming headset, can be paired with PC, Mac, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, & Nintendo Switch.
The gaming headset has been made out of high-quality materials that are carefully selected in terms of durability and reliability. The solid metal hinge withstands repeated movements for sustainable longevity and the ear pads and cover plates are designed to be exchangeable and spares are available from the store.
There’s a built-in volume wheel on the right ear cup for easy volume control while the padded headband features an adjustable pressure function for a customizable fit.
- HIGH FIDELITY SOUND – The GSP 601 closed acoustic gaming headset offers high-quality sound and improved passive noise attenuation to get you ready for professional gaming.
- ADVANCED SPEAKER SYSTEM – New and improved, EPOS-engineered speakers deliver high audio fidelity and exceptional realism for greater in-game awareness and a more immersive, audio experience.
- DIGITAL SOUND PROCESSING – Perform at your best as exceptional bass performance, sound details, and acoustic clarity combine for the best positional and communication audio you need in gaming.
- COMFORTABLE DESIGN – Memory foam ear pads keep your ears cool and don’t stick to your skin for extra comfort.
- ERGONOMIC ADJUSTMENT – Enjoy a superior fit and long-lasting comfort with a contact-pressure headband that can be easily adjusted to different head sizes and shapes.
Generally, it is launched for a price of ₹12,490, however, on Amazon Prime Days, which starts today at midnight, it will be available only for ₹9,990. Buy from here: