Apple launched the HomePod mini for quite some time now as their affordable smartphone speaker which costs only $99 but in India starts at a hefty ₹9900.
Until now, it was only available in White and Black variants, however, now you 3 new cool colours to choose from including Yellow, Orange and Blue. Also, if you closely notice, that these are not the generic colours that we see, the Yellow and Orange here is more vibrant as well as Cheerful, while Blue is darker as well as subtle.
Launched last year, the design of the new HomePod is very cool and the material used to make the device is quite identical to what we have seen on the HomePod. The backlit touch surface looks great and modern. Overall as per the design, the HomePod mini is very appealing enough to find a place in your house easily.
Even though it’s small, Apple says that there has been no compromise in audio experience as it is said to deliver boundary-pushing computational audio. Helping to create the full, detailed tones of a much larger speaker.
You can also use multiple HomePod minis for various modes including using two of them to create a stereo pair to create left and right channels for an immersive sound experience. Or say, you have multiple HomePod mini speakers placed around the house, you can expect to have a connected sound system for your whole home.
Buy the new HomePod mini in new colours from Apple India and they are available in late November.