OnePlus is going to launch on July 21 globally. In India the smartphone will be available via Amazon and the e-commerce site has also started to tease the launch with a landing page for the device. The company has made the invitation card available for all the users and it is now available at Rs.99 via The company has not revealed what other products it is going to unveil alongside OnePlus Nord.
We know that the OnePlus TWS earbuds will launch alongside Nord on July 21, but there is no official news for this. In addition to that, a new OnePlus device is spotted in Geekbench and it is definitely not the OnePlus Nord that we are talking about. The OnePlus Nord has appeared in Geekbench with another smartphone and we still don’t know what will be the name of this smartphone. Is there any chance that the company will give a surprise with a new device launch on July 21?
The New OnePlus device appeared in Geekbench with the model number BE2028. In the Geekbench listing it is revealed that the phone will come with 6GB RAM and Android 10. The phone may come with Snapdragon 690 5G processor, which is not the specs of the OnePlus Nord. This means that OnePLus is going to launch a new device maybe something similar to Nord but with some different processors and specifications.
The new phone is said to come with Snapdragon 690 5G processor which indicates that the phone will be around the same price of the OnePlus Nord. This will be another mid-range device from the brand.
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