Prashanth Mani, country head of Motorola India, had shared a video teaser that explained the 108MP sensor of the Edge+ which is truly an extraordinary camera smartphone. The Motorola Edge+ launched a week ago globally and was available in few selected countries. There was no mention of its India launch at that time.
Now we got a tweet from the country head Motorola India this gives us the hint that the Edge+ is maybe launching soon here. The Edge+ is the Pro version of the series.
Specifications of Motorola Edge+ 5G:
Motorola Edge+ 5G comes with a curved 6.7-inch FHD+ OLED waterfall-display with a 90Hz refresh rate. The phone comes with a 108MP primary camera with f/1.8 aperture and it is capable of recording 6K videos at 30fps. It is assisted by a 16MP ultra-wide-angle camera with an f/2.2 aperture and 117-degree field of view. There is also an 8MP telephoto camera that comes with OIS support and provides a 3x optical zoom output. Motorola has also provided a Time of Flight (ToF) sensor. There is a 25MP camera on the front with an f/2.0 aperture.
Motorola Edge+ is powered by Qualcomm’s top-of-the-line Snapdragon 865 SoC packing alongside 12GB of LPDDR5 RAM. There is 256GB of non-expandable UFS 3.0 storage on the phone. The phone is powered with a 5000mAh battery that supports 18W fast charging, 15W wireless charging, and 5W reverse wireless charging.
The Motorola Edge+ has the 3.5mm headphone jack, an in-display fingerprint sensor for authentication, and is available in Smoky Sangria and Thunder Grey color options.
Price and Availability:
The price of Motorola Edge has not been revealed yet. The Motorola Edge+ price has been set at $999 (roughly Rs. 76,400).