Qualcomm is each set to launch its most awaited chipset, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC, and the biggest question is which brand is going to incorporate the chipset on its smartphone first. Last time it was Xioami who launched the Redmi 11 series with the flagship processor first, but it seems that the script is going to change this time. Motorola is reportedly working on the launch of two new flagship- grade smartphones in December in China. Now in the rearmost development, the two smartphones have surfaced on the TENAA and 3C instrument website revealing some of the important information regarding the handsets.
The Chinese TENAA and 3C instrument rosters were visited by two Motorola smartphones lately. The smartphones appeared with the model figures XT2175-2 and XT2202-1, revealing utmost of their specs and renders. Most importantly, the forthcoming Motorola smartphones were spotted with the Snapdragon 888 and the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 chipsets, independently.
Adding to the expectation, Lenovo China’s General Manager, Chen Jin, took to Weibo to allude at the name of the XT2201 Motorola smartphone. Then, the Weibo post shows it has been uploaded from the Moto Edge X30. What is further, the post also talks about the features of the forthcoming Moto Edge X30.
“New phone in hand. Double-sided goon glass and new process, feels cool in your hand. Important core, great performance.
A bunch of new FEATURES first released, huge cool,”reads the restated post as participated by Gizmochina. That is not all. The commentary section also has a note from Jin, mentioning the Moto Edge X30 will be the first phone to offer My UI3.0 experience.
Moto Edge X30 Specifications(Expected)
In the comment section of the below- mentioned Weibo post, Jin reflected that the forthcoming smartphone will be the first device to offer My UI3.0 experience. This is a stock Android- grounded UI from Motorola with some nifty customisations features like Moto Conduct. Further, the smartphone could come6.67- inch FHD OLED panel that produces a refresh rate of 144Hz. The smartphone could also come with over to 16 GB of RAM and 512 GB of onboard storehouse in China.
In the camera department, the smartphone may include a triple hinder camera setup with a 50MP primary camera and a 50MP periscope camera for ultra zoomed shots. The third 2MP camera could come with macro photography capabilities. Interestingly, the device could also come with a whopping 60MP camera on the front for selfies and videotape calls. Also, it may house a mAh battery with 68W wired presto charging support. This device could also come with the Motorola Edge 30 Ultra moniker in the global requests.
There’s still no concrete date for the unearthing of the Motorola Edge X30 or the Edge 30 Ultra as both Motorola and Xiaomi are staying for Qualcomm to advertise the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset.
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