Amazon Prime Video has dropped the trailer. It is a famous Telugu film, and the film’s story is based on one of the biggest scams in this modern Indian history. This scam is an IRS call centre scam. It depicts the story of a fake call centre racket that has duped Americans at an amount of 300 million dollars.
This film is written by Vishnu Manchu, who is working at the call centre. The person collects all the personal details and sells them to the dark web for money. He has a twin elder sister named Anu, older than him in just 10 seconds. She is living separated from her intolerable husband and living with her brother.
Arjun and Vijay have hatched a plan by utilizing their call centre experience. They make a straightforward plan call up the Americans impersonating as the Internal Revenue Service(IRS) collection officers and allege tax violations. They give them threats until they settle the dispute and wiring money to them.
It is not easy to pull off the scam. The person has to extremely smart with good preparations as one wrong step can send them to jail; after that, Arjun and his company dial straight to the numbers of Americans from a dingy garage in Hyderabad to get quick money.
The character in this film has organized the scam in a silly way that becomes hard to believe that a scam like this would happen as he believes in the job training that takes his dim-witted team for an entire day if some failed attempts to understand that they need a script to face the counter questions of their unsuspected victims. We are assuming that now we have caught it that it depicts the Mumbai IRS scam 2016.
The premise of this film is seriously very interesting for making a film about excess and greed. It has betrayed the lack of Vishnu through the understanding of scam and also the operation details that also has tricked hundreds of Americans into buying lots of gift cards to fix their tax disputes. It has been seen that Vishnu has brooded over existential questions and also the excessive health meaninglessness.
In this, we will see Anu is providing a non-stop justification of the reasons as she and her brother should not feeling guilty about making money on illegal means. Lastly, we will say that the film is neither more philosophical also nor smarter.
Here is the trailer: