Netflix has dropped the trailer of its latest true crime documentary series “Monsters Inside: The 24 Faces of Billy Milligan. The story of the docuseries is based on the first of its kind of Billy Milligan who had arrested in 1977 having three rape cases on the campus of the Ohio State University.
It has been set the trial of piqued the interest of the nation as he had diagnosed having the dissociative identity disorder and all the lawyers set to pled insanity and claiming about two of his 24 personalities that have been committed in the crimes.
It has set that Milligan has known about the serial rapist who got struck at Ohio State University. It also has overwhelmed the evidence very quickly and led the investigators to Billy Milligan who is an aimless teen man have a traumatic childhood and also a criminal record.
It revolves around the arrest that Billy had not even remembered about the assaults, and also his mannerisms that have seemed to change on the spot. After that, he has been discovered with multiple personality disorders that have been found out by the psychiatrists that have also even determined about the 24 distinct “multiples” which have been existed in his mind.
In this, the main case to captivate the nation and also their analysis that has been anchored about the first of its kind of legal defence strategy and Billy had also found innocent in the reason of insanity.
In this investigating series the director, Oliver megaton has brought all his sensibility to this feature film that has also been set up in the cinematic interviews having the Milligan family like friends, doctors, and also the enforcement of the law professionals who also have tried to reveal the truth.
It has been seen that over the 40 years of the landmark verdict one question has been asked by everyone about the controlling of Billy’s multiple personalities to control all his actions or it will be an intelligent narcissistic sociopath.
In this, we will see Milligan also has spent over a decade in mental hospitals and got a release in 1988 and after that, he had been discharged from the Ohio mental health system and also from Ohio courts in 1991. After he spent over years in California and has set to make a short film and also his location that becomes unknown his death in the Nursing home in Columbus, Ohio in 2014.
It has been reported that this series has been set to premiere on 22nd September 2021.
Here is the trailer: