Two Bollywood couples Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D’Souza collaborate for the ‘Mister Mummy‘ film once again. The last time the duo was seen was ‘Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya’ for the comedy-drama film Mister Mummy. The makers also dropped the tremendous trailer of Mister Mummy on Saturday. The Shaad Ali-directed film just takes you on a fun ride with giggles.
Mister Mummy: Plot
The story of the film is based on a couple, Riteish and Genelia. The fun fact is both of them become pregnant at that same time. In a setting like this, the movie represents going to happen if a man will get pregnant. Riteish portrays the movie’s quirky PT teacher Amol as Genelia plays wife Guggulu. The film mainly follows the life of a couple who just got themselves into a bizarre and almost impossible biological conundrum.
On navigating the unusual nature of the condition. The lead couple and the gynecologist played by Mahesh Manjrekar. The film just takes us for a twisted ride. Amol is struggling to find out the reason behind his pregnancy as Gugloo tries to prepare herself got her own pregnancy when dealing with her husband.
As the trailer starts, we can see Riteish Deshmukh set to reach Mahesh a doctor with his issues. There another woman visits the scene in the meantime and is set to share the complications of her pregnancy. While Riteish remarks that he can share your issues, Mahesh also confirms that you become pregnant.
Mister Mummy: Cast
The comedy film was directed by Shaad Ali. The producers are banners of the T-Series. This will be Riteish’s first film as a director. The Marathi language movie will be dropped on 30th December this year.
Mister Mummy: Release Date
The movie is just set to release on 11th November. Before this, the couple also declared their Marathi film Ved.
Here is the trailer:
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