Deadpool has recently taken control of Marvel’s Midnight Suns Twitter account. The character has been pleading for a spot in the Firaxis game and leaking information about two unknown heroes. The account earlier today unveiled a redesign for Venom, and now Morbius has also been made public!
Although it has not yet been confirmed, it appears safe to assume that these two will be playable characters in the game since their designs are extremely similar to those of the announced heroes. There are additional heroes beyond those that have been revealed, according to information on the game’s website.
It seems like a very safe bet that Marvel’s Midnight Suns fans will learn more about the game’s undisclosed characters shortly because the game releases in just over a month. A Livestream for the game is scheduled to start on Firaxis’ official Twitch channel on October 26 at 10 a.m. PT (which can be found right here). Although there has been no word on whether Venom, Morbius, or even Deadpool will appear, it seems likely given the level of anticipation we’ve seen in recent days.
Marvel’s Midnight Suns is a turn-based tactical RPG that features some of the Marvel Universe’s most well-known characters.
The heroes Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Nico Minoru, and Magik have all been made public so far. The demon Lilith has joined forces with Hydra and Doctor Faustus in the video game and is using her abilities to take control of Marvel characters like Sabretooth and Venom.
Marvel’s Midnight Suns are set to release December 2nd on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Versions for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch are also in the works.
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