The beloved sitcom Malcolm in the Middle, which took the world by storm in the early 2000s, is set to return to the small screen. This week Disney+ announced a new season of the series, which will air 18 years after its original finale and 25 years after it first debuted. Fans of the show have been buzzing with excitement about the revival, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to catch up with the kooky, lovable family.
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Malcolm in the Middle returns to Disney+ with a new season after 18 years, featuring family chaos!
News Post on Social Media Grows Buzz
The announcement of the return is a revelation via Disney+’s social media channels, with the show’s stars—Frankie Muniz (Malcolm), Bryan Cranston (Hal), and Jane Kaczmarek (Lois)—sharing an exciting announcement with their fans. Muniz, who played the titular Malcolm, said, “I’ve been waiting for this moment for 18 years. It’s time to find out what happened to Malcolm and his family.” Cranston, known for his role as the lovable but chaotic father Hal, humorously added, “It’s been 25 years since it all started. I’m so excited… I think I’ve peed myself.” Kacmarek also expressed her joy, saying, “It’s a pleasure to shout at the kids again. We’re looking forward to finding out what’s happened to this family.”
A Family Reunion: Four-Episode Season Focused on Chaos
This new season is set for four episodes long, and the plot from Malcolm’s Thing is that it is set for life in Malcolm’s adult life and with his daughter. Most of the drama starts at Hal and Lois’ wedding anniversary celebration that Malcolm and his daughter decide to attend, which eventually sets up the signature chaos that has always permeated the show. Fans will get the same weird petrochemical cocktail of family dysfunction and earnestness that made Malcolm in the Middle a beloved hit.
Original Creators Return
The OG Malcolm in the Middle creative team of Linwood Boomer and director Ken Kwapis returns to oversee the new season, which should help keep things feeling legit. While the returns of Christopher Kennedy (Francis) and Justin Berfield (Reese) remain unconfirmed, it seems unlikely that Erik Per Sullivan (Dewey), the youngest sibling, will make an appearance due to his long absence from the public eye.
When will ‘Malcolm in the Middle’ return with new episodes?
The series will return with a four-episode season, airing on Disney+.
Who will be part of the new season?
Frankie Muniz, Bryan Cranston, and Jake Kacmarek will reprise their roles, with other cast members still unconfirmed.