When Mahindra launched the XUV 3XO, it created havoc in the Indian sub-four-metre SUV market. The XUV 3XO outshined its predecessor and undercut all its chief rivals by at least ₹50,000. Tata Motors, desperate to maintain its territory and similarly on prices, relaunched the Nexon with a newly introduced basic variant called Smart (O). We’ll compare the basic variants of these SUVs in this article.
Mahindra XUV 3XO vs Tata Nexon
Mahindra offers the XUV 3XO in nine variants: MX1, MX2, MX2 Pro, MX3, MX3 Pro, AX5, AX5 L, AX7, and AX7 L. So, we’ll take the MX1 as it’s the available base version available at ₹7.49 lakh. As mentioned before, Tata Nexon gets four trims – Smart, Pure, Creative, and Fearless. Nexon also introduces three new variants – Smart (O), Smart+, and Smart+ S, along with the new base-spec petrol version starting at ₹7.99 lakh at ex-showroom. The XUV 3XO MX1 is ₹50,000 cheaper than the Smart base-spec of the Nexon, which simulates a similar idea in this attribution.
The 1.2-litre turbo-petrol motor equips both the Mahindra XUV 3XO and the Tata Nexon. The Nexon’s three-cylinder Revotron unit labors in a maximum output of 118bhp and 170Nm of peak torque and is outfitted to the five-speed manual gearbox. In contrast, the XUV 3XO possesses a medallion gasoline motor that makes 109bhp and 200Nm outfitted with the six-speed manual gearbox.
Mahindra XUV 3XO MX1 Features
The Mahindra XUV 3XO MX1 variant comes with a wide range of additional features to improve comfort, safety, and convenience. These include a halogen projector headlamp with LED DRLs and LED indicators on the OVRMs for clear visibility and a more modest look. It also comes with six airbags, Electronic Stability Control, and ISOFIX mounts. Other features include steering modes, engine start/stop, and a front armrest with storage facilities.
Tata Nexon Smart (O) Features
The Tata Nexon Smart variant is also packed with some additional features that focus on both safety and luxury. Offering a higher level of sophistication along with a high priority of safety for the occupants. Exterior enhancements include LED headlamps, LED DRLs, and LED taillamps. Inside, the Nexon Smart (O) features a stylish twin-spoke steering wheel with an illuminated logo and front power windows for added convenience.