Apple introduced this week its new MacBook Pro with the anticipated M4, M4 Pro, and M4 Max chips. Benchmark results have already indicated that the M4 Pro chip surpasses the M2 Ultra in multi-core performance, which was an unexpected finding. The recently leaked Geekbench 6 Metal scores for the new M4 Max chip have shown Apple reflecting huge progress in the SoC space.
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M4 Max GPU Benchmarks Show Nearly 45% Performance Boost Over M3 Max, Just 13% Behind M2 Ultra
Vadim Yuryev subsequently posted the Metal results on Twitter, comparing them with the Max results for earlier M series silicon. The Metal score reflects how well the chip handles graphical processing tasks and some other workloads. The single-core performance of the M4 Max chip revealed around 45% boost compared to the M3 Max. The chip’s Metal score reached 192,532 points, which is a delightful showing for a chip of this calibre.
The M4 Max is equipped with a 40-core GPU, while the 76-core M2 Ultra scored 221,646 points. Despite the performance gap, it’s important to consider the core count when making comparisons. The M3 Max, for comparison, received a Metal score of 154,860, so the M4 Max chip represents a pretty decent boost in graphics performance, filling the gap between the former Ultra and Max chips.
The stronger Geekbench Metal score indicates plenty of processing power for things like video rendering and editing in nature. Although the chip is powerful enough for modern-day AAA gaming titles, it all comes down to how well developers can optimize their games for the chip as very few games fully support Apple Silicon to date. On Geekbench, the M4 Max scores 4,060 in single-core and 26,675 in multi-core, blowing away last year’s M3 Max by a large margin. MacBook Pro specs featuring M4, M4 Pro, and M4 Max options for all The new MacBook Pro models come with the M4, M4 Pro, and M4 Max chips, and you can choose which one is suitable for you.
What is the Geekbench Metal score of the M4 Max chip?
The M4 Max chip achieved a Geekbench Metal score of 192,532 points, indicating significant graphical capabilities.
How does the M4 Max chip compare to the M3 Max and M2 Ultra?
The M4 Max chip shows a 45% improvement in single-core performance over the M3 Max and has a lower Metal score compared to the M2 Ultra’s 221,646 points, despite the difference in GPU core count.