Netflix currently launched the trailer of a new dark thriller film, ‘Loving Adults’ This is a Danish language film. The film mainly features award-nominated Dar Salim and Sonja Richter. The film reveals Anna Ekberg’s novel Kaerlighed for Volkens which just has been spread in nine countries containing France, Italy, and Spain. In this film, we will see a sacrifice of a dedicated mother who has been trapped in a love triangle with her husband.
Loving Adults: Plot
The story of Loving Adults thriller film is filled with twists and turns in every moment, and nothing is like that. Christian and Leonara are the main focus of the film. They are spending perfect life with the son, who has recovered from his health issues after a long time period of some serious illness. Now, it seems the future of the boy is brightening, but the problem starts while a party hosted by Christian’s entrepreneur company, Leonara has seen her husband with a younger lady, architect Xenia.
Leonara just feels Christian is going to leave her. He might not be doing this as how someone van abandon the woman who had sacrificed her career as a dedicated mother who had just given up all the things to care for their son and family. On the spot, Leonara just takes a decision that she will not become that lady who just stands behind and see the acts of her husband, but takes necessary steps against him.
Loving Adults: Cast
The thriller film is directed by the renowned director Barbara Rothenberg and produced by Marcella Deichmann for SF Studios which is the reason for Netflix’s Snabba Cash and the feature film Red Dot. We can say that additionally, the cast contains Sus Wilkins, Mikael Birkkjaer, Benjamin Kitter, Karoline Gamm, Lars Ranthe, Morten Burian, and Natali Vallespir Sand.
Loving Adults: Release Date
The thriller film, ‘Loving Adults’ will hit on 26th August 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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