The popular kids’ actor Hansika Motwani comes for the new drama film ‘Love Shaadi Drama‘. On Tuesday, the actor shared the trailer, which gave a glimpse into what is to come, from the bride opening up about her past relationship to the groom’s second marriage, their wedding plans, and much more. Hansika tied the knot with Sohael Khaturiya on the 4th of 2022 at Jaipur’s Mundota Fort and Palace.
The new trailer has started with a glimpse of their wedding venue, before which Hansika, who was seated next to her now-husband, said, “I have had a relationship in the public eye before, and I did not want to do it again. And then Sohael happened, it is just a surreal feeling. I was like ‘yahin tha , you are going to be my life partner, you are all the time around me’… I was very sure if I have to go out in the public again, I have to be with the guy I am getting marrying too.”
Before dating Sohael, Hansika, who has worked in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam movies, was in a relationship with Tamil actor and filmmaker Silambarasan Thesingu Rajendar, also known as Simbu, for many years.
In the trailer, we have seen that the couple is then joined by Hansika’s family as they begin wedding preparations by visiting the picturesque venue, and also meeting with designers for their wedding outfits. While Hansika says she wants to be a ‘modern’ bride, her mother wants a more traditional look for herself. Sohael also opened up about marrying his ‘best friend’ Hansika, to which she replied, “I am a little worried, I have a roommate .” An emotional Hansika also speaks about feeling like ‘a volcano of emotions 19 days before the wedding.
In November last year, Hansika made her relationship with Sohael, who is a businessman from Mumbai, public. Sharing romantic photos of his proposal in Paris, the actor wrote on Instagram, “Now and Forever…”
Last year, Hansika married Sohael in Jaipur in the presence of family and close friends. The two long-time friends dated for a while before taking the plunge. He was earlier married to a woman, who was also Hansika’s friend.
Love Shaadi Drama: Release Date
Hansika has confirmed that Love Shaadi Drama will stream on 10th February 2023.
Here is the trailer:
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