As per some reports on Internet, LG is in the works to launch a new smartphone, dubbed as the LG K92. Recently, this phone has been spotted on the Google Play Console listing and from there we have got some clues regarding the specifications about the upcoming K92. So, let’s just take a look at the Google Play Console listing of this phone and find what are those specifications this phone will bring to its users.
As per the image from the Google Play Console listing, the LG K92 will run on the Android 10 OS and will be powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 690 processor. Regarding the display, this phone will feature a Full HD+ display with a resolution of 1,080 x 2,400 pixels and a screen density of 420 DPI. This phone will have a single punch-hole cutout for the selfie camera.
The SD 690 SoC of the LG K92 will be paired with 6GBÂ of RAM and an Adreno 619 GPU. More RAM variants are yet to be unveiled. As SD 690 is a 5G processor, then this phone will definitely support the 5G connectivity. The Google Play Console Listing did not give any information regarding the rear and front camera module of the LG K92. Now, that’s all we have known yet regarding the upcoming smartphone from LG. But we are pretty sure that we will receive more and more information on this smartphone in the coming days. We will definitely keep you posted on the same.