Lava, which last week launched the Blaze Duo 5G smartphone in India, is gearing up to bring a new device to market soon. It has teased the design of the phone and shared some of its features, which are majorly its camera specifications. While Lava hasn’t officially revealed the name or release date for the device, it’s dropped a teaser video on social media platforms to build hype.
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Lava Teases New Smartphone with 50MP Camera and LED Light Strips Ahead of Its India Launch
The Lava phone, as seen in a teaser video Lava posted on X, features a hole-punch camera centered at the top of the display. The rear camera includes a 50-megapixel primary sensor with AI features inside a rectangular camera module. The design also features a circular LED flash along with interesting LED light strips built across the camera module. The exact functionality of these LED strips is still unknown but could possibly deliver useful features such as alerts for incoming calls, reminders, or notifications.
There is talk of RGB lighting on the LED strips, meaning that users can tailor their experience and associate colors with different functions — but again, that is just speculation until more details are provided. The Lava Blaze Duo 5G is priced at ₹16,999 for the 6GB + 128GB variant and is available for purchase via Amazon. It is equipped with a 6.67-inch 3D curved AMOLED screen, as well as a 1.58-inch AMOLED secondary display.
Under the hood, the Blaze Duo 5G is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 7025 SoC and a 5,000mAh battery that supports 33W fast charging. It runs on Android 14 and comes equipped with a 64-megapixel primary camera. As Lava continues to tease the new smartphone, more details are expected to emerge in the coming days, and it is likely that the official launch will follow shortly after.
What is the main camera of the upcoming Lava smartphone?
The phone will feature a 50-megapixel primary camera with AI features.
Will the Lava smartphone have customizable LED lighting?
The LED light strips in the rear camera module may support customizable RGB lighting for alerts.