The perfectionist of Bollywood Aamir Khan is set to come with his latest comedy-drama film Laal Singh Chaddha that has finally revealed the release date. This film will be directed by Advait Chandan and is aiming to the spring harvest festival of Baisakhi next year, which is on 14th April 2022.
The makers also exposed the new posters at the time of announcing the release date. It seems that the release date will also make that movie-going head to head with the K.G.F. Chapter 2, which is also another much-awaited movie featuring Yash and Sanjay Dutt in the pivotal roles. This film will buff in the country that is going to become spoil the choice on that weekend. It seems that there will be the two titanic box office clashes in between the superstars and proven box office draws of Aamir and Yash.
This film will feature Kareena Kapoor, this movie is basically the Hindi remake of Robert Zemeckis’s Forrest Gump that is the multiple Oscar-winning Tom Hanks featuring and itself was an adaptation of the populated 1986 novel by Winston Groom. In the original film, Hanks has performed the lead role who has participated and also left deep unintentional effects of the important events in the history of modern America. Earlier the director had directed Aamir khan’s film in the 2017 Secret Superstar. This film stars Naga Chaitanya and Mona Singh. This film is produced by Aamir, Kiran Rao, and Radhika Chaudhari.
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