Vijay Anthony comes with a new film trailer under the director Balaji Kumar of ‘Vidiyum Munn’ with the fame that is known as ‘Kolai‘ the film also produced by Infiniti & Lotus productions, the new film features Ritika Singh who is featuring in the female lead. The filmmakers just dropped the trailer helmed by popular music composer Anirudh has exposed the trailer of such an intriguing murder mystery via the social network page.
The story of Kolai has been inspired by a real-life incident that just happened in New York City in 1923. The movie has been sported like a grain of salt and pepper and there is a private detective on finds such clues got the murder of model Leila been featured Meenakshi Chaudhary having the assistance of Ritika Sing playing the role of the police officer Sandhya.
Now the Kolai’s character posters had been unveiled sometime before quite impressive like they were with one the kind Tamil cinema. Earlier the makers declared that the film is mainly a murder mystery.
The movie starts with the complex murder of the famous model with the intelligent detective coming with clues along with the unusual wat and finds the killer forms for the remaining life
The trailer continues with the investigation process seems to stand out. The cinematography by Sivakumar Vijayan is the main highlight of the promo video that also reminds us of some films.
The portrayal of Vijay Antony, and the chemistry of Ritika Singh and Rashika. In this project, we will see Murli Sharma, Siddhartha Shankar, Kishore Kumar, and John Vijay with other actors playing the roles in the project. Sarathkumar is set to be considered as another attraction.
Kolai: Cast
The film features Vijay Antony, and Ritika Singh in the lead roles with Meenakshi Chaudhry, Raadhika Sarathkumar, Murali Sharma, and Arjun Chidambaram, and also the others in the supporting role. The film song is from Girish Gopalakrishnan, the cinematography has been handled by Sivakumar Vijayan. There is no exact release date, but we are expected the film will hit at the end of 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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