On Saturday, Karan Johar has revealed the release date of his upcoming film that has been produced by him titled Jug Jugg Jeeyo. The release date that has been officially confirmed for the film is 24th June 2022. Karan Johar has also shared the motion poster of the film on Instagram. The film stars Anil Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani, and this film also marks the comeback of the famous actress Neetu Kapoor.
Karan Johar has shared a clip that gives us an idea that the film Jug Jug Jeeyo will revolve around the institution of marriage along with a caption “There’s nothing like family and I always believe – we must celebrate that. The feeling, the emotion…the togetherness! #JugJuggJeeyo is a celebration of FAMILY! Coming to cinemas near you on 24th June 2022”.
Karan Johar has also shared the first set of stills from the movie that look like clicks from a wedding sequence of Varun Dhawan and Kiara Advani’s characters. The lead actors of the film have also shared the photos and the motion poster.
The film Jug Jug Jeeyo is being produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions. This film is a comedy-drama film, directed by Raj Mehta, who has directed the film Good Newwz (2019). This film also stars Maniesh Paul and Prajakta Koli.
Recently, Neetu Kapoor has wrapped up with the shooting of the film Jug Jugg Jeeyo. This news has been revealed by her through an Instagram post. The post she has posted consists of her photograph dressed up in Indian wear and sporting Heena in her hands.
The caption of the post reads, “Finally wrapped #jugjuggjeeyo was such a wonderful experience…made some Lovely friends.. gained confidence which was so needed at that time.. this movie will always be very special”.