John Wick Chapter 4 is in theatres now, know more about post-credit scenes
John Wick Chapter 4 is definitely one of the blockbuster adaptations of the John Wick franchise. This is one of the most anticipated movie releases of recent times. The movie has a runtime of 2 hours and 49 minutes. This is said to be the longest in the franchise so far, and its projected box office earnings. We are expected to surpass the first three John Wick films.
The movie is the perfect thing to establish based on not only the spinoffs of the John Wick universe. This has also been the potential sequel and the next film in the series, aka John Wick: Chapter 5. Now, the main thing is the film is set for 24 March 2023. On the first day, the film kicks off with a very good earning the film has collected around Rs. 2.25 to 2.50Cr.
Does John Wick Chapter 4 have any post-credits scenes?
John Wick Chapter 4 is definitely consisting of the post-credits scene. We have expected to hint this is not just the fate of the characters of the film but, we cannot deny that the film holds really a powerful potential future storyline of the universe. This is going to be the first John Wick film to have a post-credits scene, with none of the original three movies having had one. This is why the post-credits scene is not just important but also surprising for the fans of the popular action-thriller film franchise.
Keanu Reeves’s new film John Wick Chapter 4 is going to be the last movie in the main series before the franchise moves to the spinoffs, the post-credits scene is crucial in setting up future plotlines, pointing at a few Easter eggs and hinting at potential events for the audience.
Keanu Reeves and Ian McShane will play their roles as John Wick and Winston Scott in the upcoming spin-off Ballerina, the film features Ana de Armas as Rooney Brown, a ballerina, and an assassin. The brand new spinoff film takes place in between the events of the third and fourth movies. We are expecting that the post-credit scene is not going to have any impact on this.
The character of Keanu Reeves has previously told GQ, “He’s got this beautiful, tragic conundrum—these two selves. The John who was married, and John Wick, the assassin. John wants to be free. But the only way he knows how is through John Wick. And John Wick keeps f*cking killing people and breaking rules. We’re really watching a person fight for their life and their soul.”
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