Last October, Jio announced its first-ever laptop, the JioBook, in India. Priced below ₹20,000, the laptop was powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon SoC, coupled with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. It ran on an Android-based operating system. Now, Reliance is preparing to launch a refreshed version of the affordable laptop in India.
JioBook Specs, Design, and Features
The all-new JioBook laptop is scheduled to be launched on July 31st, and it is designed to cater to all age groups, providing productivity, entertainment, and gaming capabilities, as revealed in Amazon listings. The upcoming laptop will offer 4G connectivity on the go and is expected to support Wi-Fi as well. Unlike its predecessor, the new JioBook will come with JioOS, a user-friendly interface designed for learning, and it will come with multiple apps from Jio.
Under the hood, the laptop will be powered by an octa-core chipset, though the specific name of the chipset is yet to be confirmed. The listing indicates that the SoC will enable the laptop to handle HD videos, multitask between apps, and run advanced learning software. The battery life of the all-new JioBook is expected to last a full day. Additionally, the laptop will feature a front-facing webcam for video calls.
Regarding design, the new JioBook will weigh 990 grams, making it relatively light for a laptop and at least 200 grams lighter than the 2022 model. As for the previous-generation JioBook, it featured 2GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, and an 11.6-inch display with a 1366 x 768 pixels resolution. The laptop used Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 665 SoC and had a 5000mAh battery, providing up to eight hours of battery life on a single charge. It supported a 4G SIM card, Bluetooth 5.0, and Wi-Fi, and featured an HDMI port. Other specs included dual speakers, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and a 2MP webcam at the top of the display.
The weight of the earlier model was approximately 1.2 kg. With the all-new JioBook, Jio is expected to maintain its strategy of aggressive pricing, aiming to make it more accessible to consumers across India by selling it on Amazon. Full details, including pricing, availability, offers, and specifications, will be disclosed on July 31st.