Amazon Prime Video dropped the trailer of Hemant Dhome’s Marathi movie Jhimma has been released. It reveals that the trope is not new but the treatment is. It was in the 1st century CR that Roman philosopher Seneca reportedly told, “Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.”
It seems that Jhimma will be thoughtful and light-hearted, touchy on the social media issues along such of the individual stories without being preachy. It may lack the intensity of Pan Nalin’s film Angry Indian Goddesses and Alankrita Shrivastava’s film Lipstick Under My Burkha but this film is a feminist with his own view. It despot has the claim to battle for patriarchy.
Jhimma: Plot
The story of the film revolves around a group of women who has been rediscovered themselves along with the travel. It seems that the travelers in Jhimma are the Indians who are on the way to exploring the United Kingdom. Some of them also have been there before but most of them also just have come far from the home for the first time They just have signed up with the travel agency running by Kabir who also has been inherited the wanderlust from the father. It is going to be the first tour that he has been organized and he became quite nervous. His future of him as an entrepreneur depends on the successful execution of the trip.
It is also about a doting mother who is packing her languages with food for the trip, a frustrated grandmother who is struggling with the old television remote control, and also about such
The demanding sister is ready with her list of shopping and adding with his worries as she has doubts about her capacity to lead the women’s tour but ends up surprising herself. It is mainly refreshing to watch that the scriptwriter Irawati Karnik has not made him a romantic lead. She is keeping he concentration on the stories of the woman who has later become the friend of Kabir.
However, the women choose to travel without husbands, fathers, and lovers.
This movie also emphasizes such interior landscapes of the characters rather than the picturesque locales of the UK. This is working in the favor of the film and it does not look like the extended tourism advertisement. The new setting is serving as the catalyst for the characters as they introspect and also learn about the fetters that they have been imposed on themselves beside the norms that the society binds them also. They know well that blaming the systems and institutions will not going to change their lives.
We will also see Mita who is a widow blames herself for the death of her husband. They had deeply in love with each other as she cannot make peace with the fact that he has never told her about his depression. He was going for therapy and also was taking medicat6ion. In the end, it came to the little and life become unbearable and h chose to end it. She is cursing herself for not knowing about the pain that he had been going through all alone.
Now it is a beautiful fact of meeting Vaishali Nirmala and Maithili with Mita and they learn about the grief that she is loading in her heart. They also can watch how deliberating the loss has been for her. They just take care without patronizing.
Jhimma: Cast
This film is featuring Subhas Joshi as Indu, Nirmiti Sawant as Nirmala, Kshitee Jog as Mita, Mrinmayee Godbole as Rama, Suchitra Bandekar as Vaishali, Sonalee Sanjeev as Maithili.
Jhimma: Release Date
This Marathi film was first set to release on 19th November 2021 but now it will be available on Amazon Prime Video.
Here is the trailer
A Big thanks for the source.
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