Ullu has dropped the trailer of the new web series Jeghanya Upaay. This web series is mainly Hindi Tamil Telugu Malayalam and Bhojpuri language web series. It is also one of the most awaited series of Ullu in 2022. If you love to watch romantic crime Drama web series then this web series is definitely for you.
Ullu is very popular for the reason that the craze of web series is also enhancing day by day. Ullu application also has been released in this series. All of the actors of this web series have done excellent acting.
Jeghanya Upaay: Plot
The story of the web series is based on husband and wife. It seems that the husband used to torture the wife. She became an occultist. Now the occultist said that she desires Abhishek there is a way or Upaay. She said that the qualities that the girlfriend of Abhishek has also will have to be in yourself. She just has to find out girls with the same qualities that make such relationships with them and also taking bath with the blood of that girls.
After looking at the trailer, it seems like the story of this is going to be like this. It has been seen that an actress has been shown in this web series and always with her intercourse with a new girl and after having sex she murdered that boy. After killing she takes bath with his blood and the story is like going like this. The trailer of the series was released with the quote “ Unki Ek Nazar pade humpe, bas itni si khwahish thi, banna pada haiwan iske liye, shayad kismat ki yeh sazish thi”.
Jeghanya Upaay: Cast
We will see Mishti Basu in the lead role. She was also featured in Dil Ke Armaan.
Jeghanya Upaay Online
There are also some of the big sites on the internet with the help of which that you also can download and watch the Web Series and also can watch the Web Series online with the help of the web site and also avoid it and go to the official website. You can also see it on Ullu App.
Jeghanya Upaay: Release Date
This series will stream from 1st February 2022 on Ullu.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for source1 & source2.
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