Janhvi Kapoor poses in a neon cut-out outfit in her recent photo shoot. The actress highlighted that comfort and chic are concepts that truly know to coexist, so there’s a lot more to it than what first appears. The best moment in the world to get into Neon and slay in it is right now, which only adds to its roaring character. Put on your best outfit, and we’ll work our hardest to keep it looking great.
The Surya Sarkar monotone gown that Janhvi Kapoor was wearing was from the Summer 2023 collection. It made a bold statement, and we want to begin each day’s guide with advice that is grounded on our experience.
Cut-out attire has always been highly valued in the world of fashion and for good reason. Cut-outs are distinctively bold, which prompts an instant “yes” to being rocked at parties, celebration nights, and various occasions.