The first official trailer of the film “Jackass Forever” has been released by Paramount Pictures. It is the fourth instalment of the movie of the bone-smacking comedy franchise that has been pioneered by Johny Knoxville. The shooting of this film did not getting a discount from COVID-19 as the filming was shut down for a week it is currently the one and only film to be delayed more due to the hospitalizations for the broken bones rather than the terrible virus. After getting on set injuries Knoxville and Steve-O become hospitalized. The skateboarder Aaron “Jaws” Homoki had broken his wrist within two days.
This film depicts the joy of rejoining with your best friends and also has a perfectly executed shot of the dingdong. The fans would be delighted as ye original jackass team has returned for another round of wild, hilarious, absurd, and also terrible execution of comedy by taking a small help from some brilliant new cast.
The film is featuring Johny Knoxville, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Jason Acuna as Wee Man, Preston Lacy, Ehren McGhehey, and also Dave England along with the new cast members Sean Mclnerney, Jasper Dolphin, and Zach Holmes. In this, we will also see Eric Andre, Tony Hawk, Machine Gun Kelly, and Shaquille O’Nell who are just a few guest pranksters in this fourth installment.
The trailer starts with stoking the nostalgia of the fans which is revealing the grainy black and white footage of the original film team back in the day like the folksy version of the drama “We Will Meet Again”. In this, the slow scroll of the white text has asked when had been the last time you got together with the old friends to laugh with your asses off. In this, another compatriot told that concussions are not great as long as you turn 50 and Knoxville’s 49 so they are good.
Release date
Paramount Pictures has set to release this “Jackass Forever” film in theatres everywhere on 22nd October
Here is the trailer: