Netflix on Friday set to debut the trailer for the latest true crime documentary ‘Into the Deep‘ set to release by the streamer the next week, nearly three years after the work-in-progress that has cut was premiered at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival. The project started as a chronicle of eccentric Danish inventor Peter Madsen’s life and work, getting involved in something more sinister while Madsen was suspected, getting convicted, and subsequently getting imprisoned for killing a Swedish journalist.
The incrimination footage shot by the director Emma Sullivan for her documentary was studied and used by the prosecution in the case against Madsen, who has sentenced to life in prison in 2018. Madsen was something of a celebrity in Denmark known for building three submarines. He has planned on constructing a space rocket next. The film is supposed to document the larger-than-life Madsen’s new endeavor that he has worked on with science students getting captivated by his personality.
The film also explores the betrayal the students felt after Madsen was unveiled to have systematically planned and carried out the killing of the journalist, Kim Wall. Sullivan mainly shot footage of Madsen leading Wall out of one of his submarines that has turned out to be the last time he has seen alive.
Sullivan said, “This is a very personal story to me. When I started this project I met a group of people, who wanted to be part of something positive with someone they admired at the helm. But then the unbearable happened. When you are suddenly pulled into such a nightmare it changes your life forever. The film is a testimony of the people who were close to Madsen as they slowly grasp the true nature of the man and the terrible crimes he committed.”
There are some clips getting teased in the trailer that is quite striking, Sullivan essentially documented Madsen’s student for the collaboration realizing in real time that their mentor might be involved in the murder. One man also said, “The Peter that I knew for 10 years, and the Peter that went on the submarine on August 10 and came up are two different people,”
The case was previously set dramatized in the six-part Danish series The Investigation, directed by Tobias Lindholm also perhaps best known for his collaborations with the director Thomas Vineberg. The Jinx also contributed to the indictment of the subject.
Into the Deep: Release Date
Netflix’s new film Into the Deep is set to arrive on 30th September 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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